Are you looking for a cash envelope to manage your budget? We have designed this envelope template to write down the cash-in and out details on its front, with a cash tracking sheet with the same details to put inside the envelope. The combination of the envelope and the tracking sheet gives you dual option.
You can name each envelope for different expense categories and update the entry on the envelope every time you make a transaction. Alternatively, you can use the tracking sheet to write down the financial details and put the sheet in the envelope with the cash.
The table printed on the front of the envelope and the tracking sheet provide columns to write dates, descriptions, amounts, and the total balance to track the savings. The starting balance is actually to write the allocated amount for your chosen expense category if you are to use the envelope for budgeting. You can deduct the amount you take every time from the balance to have an updated total. This clear labeling of your income allocation will help you use the cash budgeting system more effectively.
This envelope template can be printed on a letter sized paper (8.5 by 11 inches). The template contains fold lines and you can score the paper neatly once printed according to those. When assembled the envelope measures 6.5 x 3.3 inches. However, if you prefer to print it directly on an envelope, you can easily do so. Use a standard catalog envelope and print the template on it.
You can also print the budget tracking sheet to place inside any envelope. The sheet and the table at the front of the envelope can be easily customized if you want to make any changes such as adding any rows or columns. Feel free to access this template in Google Slides, Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Word formats and start budgeting to take charge of your finances.