
Free Workout Log Templates (Daily – Weekly)

A daily workout log is a valuable tool for tracking your fitness journey, whether you’re working out at home or in the gym. These logs help you monitor your progress and stay motivated by recording details like exercise type, sets, weights, and cardio information. With our two templates, both beginners and professionals can efficiently manage their exercise routines and review their accomplishments over time.

Written by:

Brian Otieno

3 min read
  • Brian Otieno
    Written By
    Content Writer & Editor

    Brian Otieno is a skilled writer with a robust background in business and information technology. Holding a Master's degree in Business and Information Technology, he masterfully bridges these two fields in his writing. With his talent for demystifying complex concepts, Brian has made a name for himself in the realms of IT and business writing. His practical experience is further bolstered by a Software Engineering certificate from ALX, enhancing his ability to communicate intricate technical ideas effectively. Brian's expertise are helping our users navigate and understand our document templates.

A daily workout log is essentially a tracker for keeping a record of your everyday exercise routine. Through this concise resource, you can keep track of your progress and accomplishments in your fitness journey. Note that regardless of whether you are working out at home or in the gym, as a fitness enthusiast, athlete, or trainer. Having records of each exercise day, you can compile the filled logs and periodically review them to determine if you have achieved or are on your way to accomplishing your exercise goals.

There are two templates available for you. Both are suited for you to record the fundamentals of exercise management, including day, date, type of exercise, sets, weights, reps, and other essential details such as cardio information. Such details will be useful when you have a moderately comprehensive exercise routine. Their conciseness and simplicity make them ideal for beginners and professionals, too.

Creating a Workout Log With Templates

A quick look at the workout log templates will show how different information categories are positioned. The components are arranged rationally to simplify filling in information and ensure no important workout details are forgotten.

Daily workout log template

Editable Daily Exercise Log Template - Word and Google DocsPin

This template begins with information for tracking the chronology of your workout journey. At the top left, you need to input the date, and at the top right, indicate the day. Remember you are making a daily workout log with this template; therefore, these two pieces of information set precedence. 

Then, go to the time boxes and record when you start your exercise routine, what time you finish, how long the entire workout routine takes (exercise time), and most importantly, your objective for the specific day. This can be shoulders, chest, legs, etc., based on your general workout objectives. 

Next, write out the type of exercises that coincide with your training focus for the day. As the template shows, you can have as many as 10 daily exercises. Then, indicate the weight, reps, and number of sets you will do for each exercise. 

For a cardio workout, you must indicate your aerobic exercise for the day. Options you can consider are cycling, treadmill, running, jumping rope, and swimming if applicable. Then, record the time you will allocate to the exercise, as well as distance, heart rate, and calories burnt. 

At the bottom, you can write your notes or trainer pointers worth remembering. These may include fitness discoveries, pains noted, recommendations for the next workout, etc. 

Diet and workout log template

This template contains the elements in the first version and an additional section for nutrition plans for your exercise. You should use this section to record your daily meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Such information is necessary to prevent you from taking uncontrolled or unmonitored amounts of calories, proteins, etc. This template also lets you record the amount of snacks, supplements, and water you plan to take each specific day.

Editable Diet and Exercise Log Template - Word and Google DocsPin

These templates are developed in Word Template (.DOTX), ODT, and Google Docs file formats, making them easily accessible and ready to modify. Understandably, you may want to customize the exercise log by adding new items or removing certain sections as you see fit. The template is meant to streamline your daily exercise schedule, so feel free to modify it. 

Additional Points for Your Convenience

These templates can create daily workout routines for a group training session, too. Therefore, it is not limited to personal use only and can be used in commercial training settings such as gyms and school sports teams.

A daily workout log template is as useful as the information you input and the discipline in adhering to the schedule. Ensure the contents of the log align with your daily and overall goals. Both templates are simple and easy to use. However, you can adjust them to include more technical details as your fitness journey progresses.