
The Board of Directors Resolution Template

A board resolution is an official document that records decisions or actions taken by a company's board of directors during a meeting. It serves as a formal and legal acknowledgment of the board's approval for specific actions or policies. A Board Resolution template streamlines the process of documenting formal decisions made by a company's board of directors. It ensures consistency and compliance with legal and organizational requirements, reducing the risk of errors and omissions.

Written by:

Asif Khan

4 min read
  • Asif Khan
    Written By
    Content Editor & Writer

    Asif is a research expert and seasoned content editor, holding a degree in English Literature and Linguistics. With over three years of professional writing experience, he excels in simplifying complex and technical topics for diverse audiences. At WordLayouts, Asif leverages his expertise to decode intricate templates designed by engineers, ensuring users can fully comprehend and utilize these resources effectively.

Effective corporate governance requires clear and formal documentation of board decisions. Without a board resolution, a company’s secretary or corporate governance department encounters difficulties in ensuring legal clarity and operational transparency. Informal decisions, such as securing loans or approving expenditures, can result in misunderstandings and disputes.

The absence of formal documentation complicates audits and regulatory reviews, posing legal and financial risks. A written board resolution provides a structured, consistent way to document decisions, ensuring that actions are legally binding, transparently recorded, and easily accessible, thereby enhancing governance and compliance.

What Is a Board Resolution

A board resolution is a formal document that formalizes the critical decisions made by a company’s key members. It can also be called a corporate resolution or director’s resolution, as it records the decisions made in the corporate sector through the highest authority, the board of directors. The decisions recorded in this document can have far-reaching effects on a company’s operations, governance, and strategic decisions.

The Template

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Delving Into Board Resolution Template

A properly structured board resolution template is an essential tool for an organization to make sure that the decisions made by the board are recorded and enforceable. This professional template can enhance the efficiency of your board, maintain legal compliance, and ensure accountability and transparency. There are some main components of a board resolution, let’s explore them.

  • The template starts with the heading “resolution of corporation”, which denotes that the document is formal and passed by the board of a particular corporation and avoids confusion with other documents.
  • Likewise, the opening statement has space for entering your corporation name, location, and assurance of compliance with the state and company’s laws. It further sets a context and legal structure for the resolution. 
  • The resolution number serves as a unique identifier of the resolution, including the date when it was approved. It can also act as a reference to the resolution. You can allocate a specific number for your resolution to help in easy tracking and retrieval.
  • In the following field, space is for writing a brief description regarding the purpose of the resolution, which can be making major business expansions, authorizing expenditures, approving a merger, investment activities, or appointing or terminating officers. Writing it ensures that all the stakeholders involved in the resolution, understand the primary objective of the resolution, enhancing transparency and accountability. 
  • Now that the purpose of the resolution has been defined, you can write a detailed description of the action or decisions authorized by the board to specify exactly what the board is approving.

    For instance, if the board is voting to approve a new contract with a vendor, something like this would be written:

    “Approve the new contract with Acer corporation for the purchase of supplies, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.” 

    Here, you can write multiple numbered items to address multiple decisions.
  • The next clause states that the officers involved in the resolution are granted all powers and are directed to undertake actions that are fundamental to effectuate the above resolutions. It grants authority to the officers involved to implement the resolution. 
  • The subsequent clause verifies that the undersigned secretary of the corporation confirms the authenticity of the above sections of the resolution. Legal validation and accurate corporate records can be ensured with this clause. 
  • A signature block for the secretary is provided, where they can write their signature, name, and date. It confirms the official endorsement and acknowledgment of the resolution by the corporation’s secretary.
  • The acknowledgment of the board members section constitutes the signatures of the board of directors showing their agreement and approval of the resolution. It includes their signatures, names, and dates. Their signatures depict that most of the board of directors agreed to the resolution. 
  • The end of this resolution template has a designated space for a corporate seal. If it applies to your corporation’s policies, you should affix your resolution with the company seal to increase its formality and authenticity. 

When a Board Resolution Can Be Required

There are various situations when formal approval from a company’s board of directors can be required. Some of such situations may include:

  • A board resolution can be crucial at the time of removal or appointment of officers, such as the CEO or CFO.
  • While making critical financial decisions, like approving the yearly budget, approving significant expenditures, authorizing loans, and more.
  • Companies record the board of resolution when making strategic decisions, which may include approving acquisitions, renovating or restructuring plans, expansions of business, or more.
  • At the time of bringing amendments to the company’s bylaws, adopting a new set of policies, or creating a new board committee.
  • To deal with stock and equity matters, such as authorizing stock buybacks, approving stock option plans, and more.
  • Companies may also sign a board of resolutions approving contracts, leases, and partnership agreements.
  • A board of resolutions is also critical when managing assets, changing the name of a company, and implementing financial control and procedures.

This template standardizes the process of board resolution, and with its help companies can manage their key decisions and modifications. It further supports corporate governance, assisting companies to make their decisions with accuracy and precision. Its availability in multiple file formats, such as ODT, DotX, DotX, and Google Docs further increases its accessibility and adaptability. It can be used offline as it is print-ready. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How the board resolution should be stored?

It should be stored securely in the official records of your corporation, such as in a minute book or a digital repository compliant with the governance standards of the corporation.

It is compulsory to use a corporate seal on the resolution?

Using the corporate seal is completely optional and it depends on the bylaws of your corporation and state requirements. In this case, it is compulsory per the requirements of the law, you should affix it on the space provided.

In case modifications or adjustments are needed in the resolution, what should I do?

In such a scenario, you should pass a new resolution, and don’t forget to mention that it is a modified version of the previous resolution.

Who has the authority to create and modify a board resolution template?

Normally, the secretary of a company or legal department has the authority to create and bring modifications to such a template. You should make sure that changes made are reviewed and approved by the board or relevant authority. 

How can I customize the template for specified corporate actions?

You can customize this template by adding specific details related to corporate actions. For instance, at the time of issuing new shares, you can add sections about the number of shares, price per share, and any related terms and conditions. You can also add any additional sections to the template depending on your specific needs.

How should I archive the old resolutions?

You should archive old resolutions in an organized manner. For this, you can utilize digital storage solutions with a backup system to avoid their loss, ensuring that the archived documents are easy to retrieve.