Writing a Leave Application for Office (Samples & Examples)

3 min read

A leave application is a professional way of requesting to be absent from work for a specific period. There are various ways of addressing your concerns to your supervisor. There are rules and features that should be included in the application when sending a formal leave application email.

Leave applications should be genuine, brief and should have enough details explaining why you are requesting for a leave. The reason why you are requesting for a leave will determine whether your leave request will be accepted or not.


What is a Leave Application for Office?

A leave application for office describes an employee’s situation of why they won’t be able to work at the office. The applications are usually made by employees when they want to be granted official leave to be absent from work.

Most organizations require that the employees before setting off for their leave if they have a problem to contact the HR to help them solve it either manually or by drafting it in an application.

For an employee to go for a leave, they must first contact their supervisor to make an appointment or meeting request so that they can be able to discuss their issues before being provided with a leave application for acceptance.

There are two different types of leave applications:

  • E-mail format
  • Letter Format

What to Include in a Leave Application (Letter Format)

  • Recipient’s name and address: write the name and address of the person you are sending the letter to
  • Subject line: write a great subject line and include any other details to make your letter easy to understand. You can use soothing like “Leave application…”
  • Salutation: salute the recipient appropriately. Use their last name and title
  • Body: in the body of your letter, state the reason why you would like to be granted leave, the duration of your unavailability, your point or mode of contact incase of any issues and whom you have delegated the work to
  • Thank you note: thank the recipient for taking their time to consider your leave application
  • Complimentary closing: use a formal closing to conclude your letter
  • Your name: write your name in full and your job title
  • Date: add the date of writing the letter i.e. current date

What to Include (E-mail format)

  • Subject line: write a great subject line and include any other details to make your letter easy to understand. You can use soothing like “Leave application…”
  • Salutation: add the recipient’s name and title
  • Body: state the reason why you would like to be granted leave, the person you have delegated your duties on, and for how long will you be unavailable.
  • Thank you note: thank the recipient for taking their time to consider your leave application
  • Complimentary closing: use only a standard closing
  • Name: include your name and job title at the end

Key Areas to Cover

  • Salutation: when writing make sure to properly salute the recipient by writing their name and title
  • The subject of your application: to make it easy to the recipient to find your letter specify your reason for writing in the subject. You can also mention the type of leave that you are applying for.
  • Reason for taking the leave: specify your reason for taking leave from work e.g. health, urgent work or family emergency. One can basically be granted leave for any situation that they are in as long as it is valid.
  • Duration of the leave: make sure to include the specific dates that you would like to be allowed to not report to work. Make sure that you are as specific as possible when writing the dates
  • Work plan during leave: whom will you be allocating all the duties and responsibilities and work load that you have?Make sure to specify this clearly, as employers wouldn’t like to have any pending work when you are on leave.
  • Contact information: provide your contact information for urgent communications. You can also provide your alternative phone numbers so that in case you can’t be reached using your official number they can always use the alternative numbers.
  •  Signature: ensure that you sign the leave application to show the recipient that you are indeed aware of the document.

Leave Application for Office Templates

If you are looking to draft the best leave application letter for office, then you are in the right place. Download our free and premium templates to help you find the right words to put into your leave application letter. After downloading, makes sure to include the right details and tailor the letter to suit your application.


















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