Free Community Service Forms

5 min read

Community service is one of the ways that one can give back to their society or help benefit the public. Engaging in community service provides one with an opportunity to become an active member of their community and has a long-lasting positive impact on their society at large. Community service also brings many benefits to a person’s life and also boosts their personal development. Taking part in community service not only makes a difference to the people and organization being served, but it also makes a huge difference to every person participating.


What is a Community Service Form

Community service is unpaid work performed by an individual, group, or organization for the benefit of the society or the general public without any form of compensation. A community service form is a form that the person/group/organization taking part in the community service is required to sign to clock in their hours as proof that they took part in the activity.

What You Can Do For Community Service

There are various things that you can do for your community including:

Volunteering as a camp counselor: You may decide to be a camp counselor if you know more about camping.

Organizing a food drive: You may decide to organize or be part of a food drive. Here you will be preparing and delivering food to the less fortunate or in children’s homes.

Helping students with their studies: You may offer to help out students with their studies. Working as a teacher in a kindergarten

Cleaning your local park: If you have the right tools, you may offer to clean out your local park. Make it a safer place for the children by cleaning out the trash.

Helping out at the hospital: you may also decide to volunteer in a hospital. In most hospitals, you will be required to take out the patients in their wheelchairs to bask in the sun or be given other available tasks.

Helping out at a retirement home: You may decide to spend some time with the elderly at the retirement home. You can help them walk, clean out their rooms, or give them food, among other activities.

Joining one of the community services projects in your community: If there is already a project being run in your area by a non-profit organization, you can apply to join them. If accepted, you will be given some tasks to complete either individually or in a group.  

Why You Need a Community Service Form

There are various reasons why people do community service; some are usually court-mandated, others are due to career progression reasons, while others are just out of the heart. Regardless, you will still have to fill out a community service form to show that you indeed took part in the activity.

The form may be:

  1. Attached on your resume to show that you took part in community service,
  2. Be used to verify all the community service works which were performed for a non-profit organization or
  3. Be presented to the court to show that you have completed your court-mandated community service.

It is important to always sign all your community service forms to show that you acknowledge the document and that the information provided is accurate.

Especially if it is a court-mandated community service, it is important that you sign the document to make sure that the hours included in the form are accurate.


Types of Community Service Forms

There are several types of community service forms. Some of which include:

Community service completion form

The community service completion form is usually signed after completing the community service. After you are done with your community service, you can use this form to receive credit for your work. You must present this form to the relevant authority to show that you have completed your service to the community.

The community service completion form should contain:

  • Your name or name of the organization taking part in the community service
  • The name of the person in charge of the community service
  • And a description of all the services you provided

Community service project and hours form

The community service project and hours form is usually used by students taking part in the community service. The form is used to indicate the number of hours that one has put into the community service. The form is then submitted to the relevant party to verify that you indeed clocked the hours you have indicated.

Court community service form

This form is usually used for court-mandated community service. If you have been assigned by the court to do some community service, use this form to write down the hours you have worked.

A non-profit organization may also use the form to verify that all the work done by volunteers has been completed as per the instructions. The form is then submitted to the court for the community service center to verify that the information provided is accurate.

Goodwill community service form

A goodwill community service form is usually used when one is looking to participate in community service. The goodwill community service form acts as an application form used when one is looking to participate in any activity hosted by a community service center.

When filling out this form, you will have to provide your basic information and explain why you are applying to take for the community service.

Community service work-study completion form

This form is usually used by students who have qualified for a Federal Work-Study and are required to complete a given number of community service hours in a given academic year. When filling out this form, the student must provide their basic info and the type of activity/service they have done, and the number of hours. The form is then submitted to the relevant authority for review to gauge the student’s performance and determine if they are still eligible for the work-study program.

Free Community Service Forms & Templates

Track your community service hours with our easy to use, free community service templates. Our templates will make it easy for the placement agencies to verify the hours that you have served. Download today and get started!

















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    A community service form is a form that the person/group/organization taking part in the community service is required to sign to clock in their hours as proof that they took part in the activity. When you have decided to take part in community service, or you have been ordered by the court to do so, it is important that you have a clean record of all the activities you did and the hours you did them for. Using a community service form can help you get a clear account of how you spent your time. After you have filled the form, make sure to sign it and present it to the relevant authority for verification.

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